Use of IoT and OEE for improving the performance of production

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IoT and OEE

Use of IoT and OEE for improving the performance of production

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is the most reliable practices metric for measuring manufacturing productivity. OEE is used as a baseline and benchmark to measure the utilization of a manufacturing operation or piece of equipment.

Many uses OEE numbers to trace the progress of the company’s production quality over time.

Benchmarks for OEE

An OEE score of 100% means you are manufacturing only Good Parts, as fast as possible, with no Stop Time. Here are the benchmarks for OEE that indicates whether your performance is good or not.

  • The 100% OEE score shows perfect production. It means you are manufacturing good parts and there is no stop time.
  • 85% OEE means a world-class score that is the sign for discrete manufacturers. It can be used as a long-term goal for companies.
  • 60% OEE shows that you have a typically fair discrete manufacturing agency. There is room for improvement in your production line.
  • 40% OEE is a poor score. It is not commonly found in the companies. However, if your company has the 40% score it means that you need serious improvements to reach a higher level.

With new easily accessible technology and Industry 4.0 processes, you can easily improve your score by paying attention to the downtime of the largest source and tracking the reasons for stop time.

Use of IoT to improve OEE

Internet of Things (IoT) is helping the manufacturing agencies to improve their OEE evaluation with a detailed understanding of equipment performance through instrumentation and analytics. IoT solutions help to improve the OEE values in many ways.

Here are OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) example use cases:

  • Analyzing historic process and performance data to optimize maintenance planning, schedules, and resources.
  • Get warnings in advance about the degradation of their machines, with predictive maintenance to avoid downtime.
  • Leading to lower maintenance costs, reduced material and supplies, and greater equipment availability.
  • The production line quality will be carefully monitored. It will help you to monitor process parameters, find out the calibration, temperature, speed and production time of the machines.
  • It will help in the management of supply chain. Industries will be able to compare the previous production results with the new ones. It will help them to decide how they can work on their future schedule

With the new innovative IoT related equipment, companies can easily reach a higher OEE score, with a proper implementation of technology.

Manufacturing organizations will continue to pursue improvements in OEE. As discussed above, IoT can deliver significant, quantifiable improvements.

Originally this article was published here.