How to decrease costs, improve safety & reduce environmental impact using 3D digital twins
Virtual Conference sponsored by UrsaLeo
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
11:00 AM (ET)
What you'll learn:
Join John Burton, CEO of UrsaLeo and Antonio Conati Barbaro, CEO of Alleantia to learn about an end to end IoT solution combining Alleantia’s gateway software with UrsaLeo’s 3D photorealistic digital twins. Alleantia supports more than 5,000 types of machinery commonly used in industrial environments and UrsaLeo supplies photorealistic 3D models of the machinery combined with real time sensor data.
During this virtual conference, the speakers will showcase:
– How fast access to IoT sensor data is key for delivering an industrial digital transformation in any sector.
– How to overcome brownfield Operational Technologies (OT) integration difficulties for different devices, technologies, sensors, and machines.
– How the market-leading UrsaLeo and Alleantia IoT integration solution makes machine information quickly available through thousands of ready to use ‘drivers’, a wide variety of connectors supporting innovative SaaS; and how to complete the architecture with strong cybersecurity features and O&M solutions for large scale IIoT deployments.
John and Antonio will walk through their complete end-to-end manufacturing solution that combines data collection using Alleantia’s 5,000+ drivers for common industrial devices and UrsaLeo’s photorealistic 3D digital twins to display the data. Collectively the combined solution decreases costs, improves safety, and reduces environmental impact.
John Burton, CEO, UrsaLeo
Before founding UrsaLeo, John spent 30 years in the semiconductor industry working with industrial customers across Europe, North America and Japan. Seeing the vast quantities of data being gathered in IIoT environments he got together with Angie Sticher (ex-Apple) to find ways to better visualize
Antonio Conati Barbaro, COO, Alleantia
Before joining Alleantia in mid-2011, Antonio spent 20+ years in telecommunication networks, services and management platforms industry around the world, from coding of communication stacks in Italy and in the U.S. at Bell Labs in Ohio, to architecting and delivering
Nino Mazza, Managing Director
Nino Mazza is the General Manager at TraceParts Italia.He studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Parma.
Greg Orloff, CBDO, IIoT World
Greg previously served as the CEO of Tangent Company, inventor of the Watercycle™, the only commercial residential direct potable reuse