IIoT & Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing-Virtual Conference

  /  IIoT & Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing-Virtual Conference

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IIoT & Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing
Virtual Conference

sponsored by Clockwork Solutions

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This webcast is designed to be a virtual half day conference on the topic of IIoT and its benefits for manufactures including a market overview, best practices in terms of implementing IIoT from sensor through to platform, and how to leverage the resulting platform to achieve strategic business benefits through the use of Predictive Analytics.


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November 14th


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10 am EST


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Pick one or all sessions
between 10AM – 1 PM (ET)


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First Session – Market Overview
The current state of IIoT in Manufacturing & Market Trends

Time: 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM (ET)
Moderator: Lucian Fogoros, Co-founder & Managing Editor at IIoT-World
Speaker: Benson Chan, Senior Partner at Strategy of Things


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  • What is IIoT and what’s the big deal?
  • Where does IIoT fit in the world of SCADA, M2M etc.?
  • Where is the market headed? What are the big trends and opportunities that
    managers should care about?
  • What managers and executives should do now to “get ready for IIoT”?




Second Session – IIoT Platforms
Choosing the Right IIoT Platform Strategy from sensors to data

Time: 10:50 AM – 11:35 AM (ET)
Moderator: Lucian Fogoros, Co-founder & Managing Editor at IIoT-World
Speaker: Aaron Allsbrook, Chief Technology Officer at ClearBlade


[accordion title=”Session Description“]

  • This session focuses on defining a strategy and/or best practices for designing /
    deploying an IIoT roll-out.
  • This includes everything from the sensors (inc. retrofitting
    existing equipment) through to the IIoT platform that gathers the data along with
    reporting, visualization, etc.





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Third Session – Transform your data into strategic business value with predictive analytics

Time: 11:40 AM – 12:25 PM (ET)
Moderator: Lucian Fogoros, Co-founder & Managing Editor at IIoT-World
Speaker: Serg Posadas, Vice President of Industry Solutions at Clockwork Solutions


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Modern, interconnected machines generate mountains of data. Likewise, business leaders are being charged with capitalizing on current and legacy data to optimize their processes. But data alone is not enough. Data is merely the ingredient that—when properly analyzed- can lead to insights that propel one business over its competitors. In this session we’ll explore:

  • The difference between data reporting and analytics, and how confusing the two can limit strategy development
  • The necessity to view your machine data holistically to recognize full patterns that enable growth
  • Extracting data of value from the murk of dirty data that bogs down many businesses
  • Properly pairing historical data with operations data to create high fidelity and actionable analytics




Panel Discussion

Time: 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM (ET)
Moderator: Lucian Fogoros, Co-founder & Managing Editor at IIoT-World
Benson Chan, Senior Partner at Strategy of Things
Aaron Allsbrook, Chief Technology Officer at ClearBlade
Serg Posadas, Vice President of Industry Solutions at Clockwork Solutions


[accordion title=”Session Description“]

  • Open panel about Predictive Analytics market’s trends and what are the most painful issues seen as obstacles to success of deployment an IIoT project.
  • Open forum for virtual attendees to ask questions about IIoT/Predictive Maintenance.





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Registration finished

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Virtual Conference – Speakers


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