Author: Antonio Conati Barbaro

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About The Author

Before joining Alleantia in mid-2011, Antonio spent 20+ years in telecommunication networks, services and management platforms industry around the world, from coding of communication stacks in Italy and in the U.S. at Bell Labs in Ohio, to architecting and delivering wide scale telco transformation plans in France, Italy, Greece and Turkey, to delivering innovative collaboration solutions to large Enterprises. Looking to the ‘next big thing’, Internet of Things, since 2006, Antonio jumped in the Alleantia IIoT opportunity, joining founder Stefano Linari in the company launch and growth since 2011.


Knowing how to manage and process data, information, is an asset of the digital enterprise. That's why analytics tools are becoming increasingly important in the manufacturing sector. As highlighted by Gartner in one of its Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business


Artificial intelligence does not have an unambiguously accepted definition. This is because AI is not a stand-alone technology but a combination of different technologies that, properly orchestrated with each other, allow machines to act, almost, autonomously. Unlike automation, AI doesn't


With SPE, for the first time, it is possible to speak the language of the cloud with every sensor, even the thinnest and miniaturized ones. The field level and all its participants become capable in real time, intelligent and therefore


From the first models for internet working between different local networks, to devices for IoT and IIoT environments, up to IoT Gateways, fundamental resources for the future development of Internet of Things. The importance of IoT Gateways is absolutely evident if


What is Ensemble Modeling? Ensemble Modeling is a technique used to improve the results of Machine Learning projects. This Ensemble Modeling technique allows to obtain a better predictive performance compared to the models from which it is made up, thanks to


Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with creating systems that learn or improve performance based on the data they use: it has unprecedented computational capacity, but on its own it cannot be perfect. It always requires


Industry 4.0 has always been synonymous with recovery and efficiency, which is also declined in terms of energy efficiency: Augmented Reality provides tools that enable the energy assessment of production systems and plants. The current industrial situation sees companies in a


Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing are often used as interchangeable terms, and as much as both refer to machines with human-like capabilities, there are some big and important differences. AI, some basic notes AI is talked about abundantly, and equally abundant are


Efficiency, safety, remote control: augmented reality systems guide industrial operators in preventive maintenance activities. The advantages of augmented and virtual reality in industry 4.0 are considerable. In new construction projects, augmented reality makes it possible to intervene in the early stages