Leveraging IIoT, AI and Machine learning to optimize operations in manufacturing and infrastructure
Manufacturing is poised to play a critical role in shaping the economy for the next decade and beyond. The opportunities are endless if the advanced manufacturing industry can strengthen its innovation vision and embrace the reality of end-market disruption, but
Why a closed loop is key for machine learning
By now, the positive impact of digitalization in manufacturing environments is widely recognized — reduced costs, improved operational efficiency and greater productivity. But digitalization is not fulfilled by making just a single change. It is a continuous cycle of updates
Ensemble Modeling: How to Improve Machine Learning
What is Ensemble Modeling? Ensemble Modeling is a technique used to improve the results of Machine Learning projects. This Ensemble Modeling technique allows to obtain a better predictive performance compared to the models from which it is made up, thanks to
Human-in-the-loop: humans and machine learning
Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with creating systems that learn or improve performance based on the data they use: it has unprecedented computational capacity, but on its own it cannot be perfect. It always requires
Boosting Streaming Analytics with Machine Learning for Deeper Insights
We live in a world of increasingly smart and interconnected devices. From power grids to industrial control systems and vehicle fleets, IIoT devices are proliferating. Recent estimates project that there will be well over 24 billion IoT devices within the
How to Increase Profitability in Manufacturing using Machine Learning
The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating a new dynamic in the industrial space, specifically manufacturing. Large manufacturing companies are moving to leverage IoT technologies and predictive analytics as a part of increasing profitability and staying competitive. In the U.S. alone,
The Basics Behind Building Machine Learning Solutions
Machine Learning Requires a Systematic Approach to Systems, Architecture, and data. Developing Machine Learning analytics yields immediate and long-term benefits. 1. Make Machine Learning Part of a Modernization Strategy After decades in research labs, machine learning is now getting enormous attention for real-world applications
Machine Learning Algorithms in Autonomous Driving
Autonomous cars are very closely associated with Industrial IoT. IoT combined with other technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, local computing etc are providing the essential technologies for autonomous cars. Very inquisitive questions for many is how are these
Why use RBF Learning rather than Deep Learning in an industrial environment
One of today’s most overused buzzword is “Artificial Intelligence”. Both technical and general press is full of articles talking about machines that drive autonomous cars and invent new languages. Many also talk about intelligent machines being a threat to humanity.