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Today the Cloud represents the fruition model that makes Information Technology increasingly ready to respond to rapid changes in the context. Organizations are increasingly “data-driven”, and Data Analytics, a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain “valuable insights” from data,

With the arrival of Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a digital transformation is currently underway. The manufacturing industry is beginning to use industrial analytics driven by real-time production data, not only to make better, faster decisions,

Industrial Digital Transformation is happening, but the reality is that most companies are handling data on paper. To think about analytics on the shop floor, one of the first things to be done is to automate not only the process, but the data collection and

When pen-and-paper methods of tracking job efficiency left AccuRounds’ engineers and managers in the dark, the shop switched machine monitoring system. However, this brought morale challenges along with it. The data-driven practice quickly demonstrated the benefits of real-time monitoring. It also

Manufacturing relies on continuous production. Fast, accurate, real-time analytical insights are intuitively recognized as valuable. Many decisions must be made in real-time, so having real-time data will naturally improve those decisions. Actionable, up-to-date metrics create many new benefits, including: Improved

When it comes to collecting data with industrial IoT within the world of manufacturing, it isn’t just about quantity. It’s also about the quality of the information that you are gathering from various machines; manufacturing data analytics that enables you to

A go-at-it-alone approach to capitalize on data analytics won’t work Of all the new capabilities that manufacturers can gain by adopting Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology, data analytics can be among the most powerful—and the most challenging. Manufacturers make things

Your data scientists are among your most valuable assets. But if you are not making full use of edge analytics then you could be wasting their time. If yours is like most companies, then when you embark on an industrial IoT

In the past, if you wanted to know how a machine was performing on a shop floor, you would have had to put pencil to paper and note the output, the error rate, the quality, all manually. You would have