Simplifying Robotics for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers with Olis Robotics

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Simplifying Robotics for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers with Olis Robotics

At IMTS 2024, Greg Orloff from IIoT World had the opportunity to sit down with Fredrik Rydén, CEO of Olis Robotics, to discuss the challenges small and medium-sized manufacturers face when adopting robotics and automation. Fredrik highlighted a common dilemma: while robotics can significantly enhance manufacturing efficiency, their adoption often adds complexity to an organization’s operations, especially when manufacturers find themselves needing to become robotics experts on top of their existing expertise.

Rydén emphasized that Olis Robotics aims to reduce this complexity by simplifying how manufacturers monitor and manage their robots. The Olis device is designed to sit on the factory floor, connecting to the robot locally without constant internet access. It collects diagnostic data and video footage in real time, creating a snapshot of the robot’s activity during any errors or malfunctions. This “diagnostic bundle” provides all the information needed to troubleshoot issues, ensuring that even non-experts can keep robotic systems running smoothly.

From a cybersecurity standpoint, Ryden noted that Olis Robotics meets users where they are in their operational technology (OT) journey. Whether manufacturers want to keep their Olis devices fully offline or integrate them with industrial routers for remote access, Olis can accommodate both needs without compromising security. The system works with existing certified commercial solutions, allowing manufacturers to remain in control of their data and connectivity preferences.

On the safety front, Ryden stressed that risk assessments are critical before deploying any automation. Olis Robotics is installed alongside a certified integrator and operates under the safety policies of the existing industrial controller, ensuring that robots operate within safe parameters.

Looking toward the future, Ryden envisions a time when robotics will become a simple infrastructure that works seamlessly in the background. He sees end users focusing on their core processes rather than becoming robotics experts, thanks to automation tools like Olis that handle complex tasks behind the scenes. In his words, “The only decision manufacturers should have to make is whether the ROI is there and if they have the budget.”

The future of manufacturing is getting easier with tools that make robotics more accessible and manageable for businesses of all sizes.

This is an excerpt from the discussion summarized by ChatGPT based on the session’s content, verified and edited by IIoT World’s team.