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In countless applications that track live systems, real-time analytics play a key role in identifying problems and uncovering new opportunities. They enable data and operations managers to respond fast enough to make a difference in the moment. The need to

With the arrival of Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a digital transformation is currently underway. The manufacturing industry is beginning to use industrial analytics driven by real-time production data, not only to make better, faster decisions,

The onset of COVID-19 has shined a stark spotlight on a previously complacent attitude to workplace health and safety. Amidst spiralling infection rates and provincial lockdowns, long-standing workplace safety procedures have been strained under the impact of an invisible and

Industrial Digital Transformation is happening, but the reality is that most companies are handling data on paper. To think about analytics on the shop floor, one of the first things to be done is to automate not only the process, but the data collection and

Many companies are turning to remote monitoring to achieve their goals of becoming safer, more efficient, and more sustainable in how they work and operate. Starting with SCADA, and now with the advent of the Internet of Things, these systems

The importance of data has changed over the years. Initially, data was just the “exhaust” from an organization’s On-Line Transactional Process (OLTP) systems. However as the volume, variety and velocity of the data grew over the past few years, the

As global competitive pressures have driven changes and higher expectations for manufacturing organizations, enterprise technology in manufacturing must respond at an accelerated pace today. Largely the result of fundamental changes enabled by transformative technologies, new and novel opportunities for industrial

For the last fourteen years, LNS Research and its predecessors pub­lished bi-annual research in partnership with MESA Manufacturing on the use of data in manufacturing. Until 2018, the research was ti­tled, “Metrics That Matter.” Starting with 2018 we see an

Why is it so hard for enterprise organizations to act like the startup companies they increasingly come up against? It’s a very good question. In every industry, across every vertical we see new businesses emerge from seemingly nowhere, impacting the