Industrial Internet of Things Tag

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IIoT and Industry 4.0 are omnipresent topics in today’s industry tradeshows and blog posts. A lot of products promise to help you achieve vertical integration of production flow and data and enterprise software like ERP. But usually, there’s also a

Producing clean water and treating wastewater is a complex industrial process involving lots of different types of assets, for example pumps, sediment tanks, treatment units etc. Adding to the complexity is the fact that that these [units/assets] are often distributed

New York City is known as the city that never sleeps. It is the hub of commerce by day and the center of nightlife at night. Crowds of people fill the streets, along with a variety of different sized vehicles,

We are living in the era of 4th Industrial revolution – the evolution which is based on extreme automation of machine to machine communication, not only just the communication but way beyond. Machines can understand each other, negotiate with each

Have you ever wondered how the on going IIoT revolution will play out? You are not alone. I've also given it a fair share of thought and in this article I want to argue why I believe the cloud's days

Just about everything is connected: from cell phones and wearable devices to cars, refrigerators and industrial equipment. IT experts have long recognized this global connectivity will only continue to skyrocket. Connectivity adds convenience to our jobs. It is almost expected

As part of the CEO Insights Series, IIoT World's Managing Editor, Lucian Fogoros, interviews Indegy's CEO, Barak Perelman, about the major challenges in protecting ICS from cyber attacks and the best defenses against cyber threats in Industrial Internet of Things

Many of the promised benefits of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) did not capture the imagination of SCADA professionals a year or two ago. Why not? Because many of the IIoT capabilities lauded as “visionary” match what they have been accomplishing

Are you ready for IIoT/Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 promises to offer significant advantages to manufacturing and operations according to MIT experts. It also provides the opportunity to repeat the same systemic errors that plagued the previous three. In this video, MIT's, Dr.