How Semiconductors Make Smart Factories Smarter
Over the past 70 years, we have witnessed a massive increase in consumer and B2B customer demand. According to Statista’s recent analyst report, the smart factory market will grow to about $244.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2024, a compound annual
The Benefits of Using the Digital Twin in Manufacturing
Now that technology has matured to a point where companies can implement a digital twin strategy that is cost-effective, it is a game-changer for manufacturers. In fact, 75% of organizations implementing IoT already use them or plan to within a year. What
[White Paper] Three Steps to Keep Smart Factory Operations Running
For factories and manufacturers, the need for cybersecurity is urgent. This is due to the concerns arising from operation stoppages caused by security incidents, resulting in loss of revenue. Unlike enterprise IT, system administrators face several issues within smart factory
Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industries Trends
It is real, but it’s difficult to say how long it will take. It will surely take many years to fully realize, but is already happening faster than many expected. This blog presents some of key digital transformation trends in