How Is Industry 4.0 Transforming Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Globally?
As per many historians and economists, the second half of the 18th century was one of the most crucial periods in human history as the inventions and developments in this period led to the start of the first Industrial Revolution.
How can supply chain attacks be mitigated?
To mitigate supply chain attacks, manufacturers can implement several strategies: Demand Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) from vendors:SBOMs provide a list of components within software, similar to an ingredient list. By analyzing the SBOM, manufacturers can identify third-party software and
Unlocking Customer Experience: The Critical Role of Your Supply Chain
In today's marketplace, where products and services proliferate and competition intensifies, businesses are realizing that they need to offer more than just commodities to thrive. Enter the Experience Economy – a paradigm shift where companies are no longer just selling
Navigating the Complex Terrain of Supply Chain Security in ICS Environments
In the contemporary digital landscape, the security of supply chains has ascended to the forefront of concerns for industrial control systems (ICS). Cassie Crossley, Vice President for Supply Chain Security at Schneider Electric, sheds light on the comprehensive strategies and
Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management: Unleashing the Potential of Cutting-Edge Digital Solutions
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, efficient supply chain management has emerged as a decisive factor for businesses aiming to achieve unprecedented success. The era of digital transformation has not only disrupted traditional supply chain practices but also presented a
Does ChatGPT Offer Real Value to the Supply Chain?
Testing the capabilities of ChatGPT, an AI-trained model that interacts in a conversational way, has become something of a global sport since it was launched at the end of November 2022. Business people, consultants, writers, analysts, lawyers and many others
Exploring SBOMs and Software Escrow: Strategies for Securing OT Supply Chains
“Timely and secure information sharing can bridge the gap between vulnerability and security.” This was a key message from a webinar on ICS & OT Supply Chain Risk Management presented by Information Security Media Group. The webinar discussed how Industrial Controls Systems (ICS)
Digital Transformation trends for Manufacturing & Supply Chain
Digital transformation is a growing trend in the manufacturing and supply chain industries, driven by the need for increased efficiency and cost reduction. The global supply chain software market is expected to reach over $200 billion by 2027. Companies are
Everest Group PEAK Matrix®️for IoT Supply Chain Solution Provider 2022
Business resilience has been top priority for enterprises as they aim to revive and grow their businesses in a post-pandemic era. Digitization of their existing supply chain is the first step in achieving this goal, and Internet of Things (loT)